Happy Holiday Season Everyone! I do this yearly I see; really get into the swing of things with my postings, then fall off the map around the Christmas holidays! Well, thanks to my buddies at Bento Bloggers and friends I have just the kick I need to get back into the Christmas Spirit motion with a wonderful Ho Ho Holiday Hop!
I'll start off with the Gingerbread School House I made at the beginning of the month. It was my first try at making a gingerbread house and I guess it turned out OK,( if I say so myself!) It's a facebook competition, and if our school gets the most votes we'll win 1,000 euros for toys! If you're a member of facebook please swing by this link here: and give the little red school house (for Wendy House School) a vote!! ^-^
Now on to bento! Last year my mother sent me three of the most adorable lunch boxes, (I think they're actually cookie gift boxes,) but she bought them from the dollar store in Atlanta and they are just the cutest! Thank you again Mom!! ^-^
I love the retro look of them !
For today's hop I picked Santa and his buddy Rudolph to make into a fun Holiday themed lunch.
The boxes are pretty tiny, so with only half a chicken breast sandwich and a pop tart I filled the whole box.
Here's a closer look at Santa and Rudolph!
Santa is made from cut Gouda cheese slices and colored with Wilton gel food color. Rudolph is my favorite medium of marzipan!
All closed up and ready for school! I have to thank my mother-in-law for sewing me the most lovely kiddie Holiday napkins! I love them!
Poor baby Sunshine thought this little bento was for her, but I'll whip her up a tot friendly bento later today! (You can really see the boxes scale in this picture.) She was so happy in this before photo... I will not show you the after though!
Here's one final photo!! This is my second try at a gingerbread house...I bought a house stencil, and boy did that make all the difference in the world! I'll do this every year now!
Happy Ho Ho Holiday Everyone!!!
Love Kiki!
Now continue on with Holiday cheer to my amazing bento buddy Daisy at here delicious blog Daisyselalu!!
1 week ago